Law Library News

New Book Titles - May 2023

Author: UNB Law Library

Posted on May 23, 2023

Category: Law Library News

Looking for something new? Here are some of the books we've recently added to our collection.


knowing-what-law-is.jpgKnowing What the Law Is: Legal Theory in a New Key

by Alexander Somek (Hart, 2021)

"This book provides a selective and somewhat cheeky account of prominent positions in legal theory, such as American legal realism, modern legal positivism, sociological systems theory, institutionalism and critical legal studies. It presents a relational approach to law and a new perspective on legal sources."


regulatory-investigations.jpgThe Law of Regulatory Investigations in Canada

by James T. Casey, Jason Kully, and Michelle Casey (LexisNexis, 2023)

"This text is organized by legal issue and covers a wide range of regulatory contexts, including professional discipline, police discipline, securities, financial regulation, environmental, occupational health and safety, privacy, human rights and competition law."


making-sense-euro-law.jpgMaking Sense of European Union Law

edited by Monica Claes and Ellen Vos (Hart, 2022)

"This book reflects on selected issues of European law in dialogue with leading legal scholar Bruno De Witte, whose work has enlightened generations of students, scholars and practitioners of European law. The volume is designed to mark the impressive academic oeuvre of a great legal mind and true academic whose elegant and insightful writings have decisively contributed to the advancement of the study of European law."


parental-abduction.jpgParental Child Abduction to Islamic Law Countries: A Child Rights Analysis of the Legal Framework

by Nazia Yaqub (Hart, 2022)

"As the world becomes smaller, family law is becoming truly global, giving rise to more and more questions for private international law. This book looks at the sensitive and complex question of child abduction, with a unique children's right perspective. Taking Islamic law as its case study, it delves into child abduction in key jurisdictions from Iran to Saudi Arabia and Libya to Pakistan. Rigorous doctrinal analysis is enhanced by empirical insights, namely interviews with abductees, parents and professionals. It is an excellent guide to a complicated field."


sankoff.pngProfessor Sankoff's Guide to Persuasive Legal Writing

by Peter Sankoff (CDE Publishing, 2022)

"Writing challenges impede the effectiveness of otherwise strong arguments, causing much to be lost in translation. In Professor Sankoff's Guide to Persuasive Legal Writing, Peter shares years of accumulated tips, tricks, and guidance to take your writing to the next level."


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