Law Library News

Law Library Acrostic Poetry Contest

Author: UNB Law Library

Posted on Mar 11, 2019

Category: Law Library News

Write an acrostic poem about law school life for a chance to win!

An acrostic is a poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word or message. It doesn't have to rhyme, but it can, if you're feeling particularly ambitious.

For example:

Love or hate law school?
All you have to do is
Write a poem about it!

Law library staff will judge the submissions, and the three best poems will win prizes:

  • 1st place: $50 prepaid Visa, $10 Starbucks card, and cupcakes
  • 2nd place: $25 prepaid Visa, $10 Starbucks card, and cupcakes
  • 3rd place: $10 Starbucks card and cupcakes

Send your poems to Nikki Tanner, Reference/Instruction Librarian, by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, March 22 for your chance to win!

Winning poems will be shared on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Note: this contest is for UNB law students only.