Alumni Spotlight: Robin Steeves
Author: Dylan Foote
Posted on Jun 21, 2021

Robin Steeves (on the right) with a typical class of surveyors he taught.
Our undergraduate programs open a wide range of doors and opportunities. This is perfectly showcased by our next Alumni Spotlight, Robin Steeves! Steeves created the popular geodetic network least-squares adjustment program he named GeoLab.
Robin completed his undergraduate studies in our department in 1976 and his doctorate in 1981. Steeves says they both prepared him very well for performing engineering and geodetic surveys, including a stint working for the Canadian Geodetic Survey, as well as developing GeoLab.
The GeoLab software is used extensively around the world for adjusting and statistical analysis of surveying and geodetic networks of various types. Steeves mentioned that because of the popularity of GeoLab around the world, he was able to travel extensively to teach the proper use of GeoLab in various countries, including Canada.
GeoLab is still used in many countries and by many companies around the world. Now retired, Steeves says “GeoLab continues to be further developed by the current owners of this popular software package.”