Engineering News

First year engineering student poised for success at UNB with the help of Canada’s largest STEM scholarship

Author: UNB Alumni

Posted on Sep 27, 2021

Category: Student Spotlight

Bachelor of engineering student Julien Haché, along with bachelor of science student Matthew Toms-Zuberec, is a 2021-22 recipient of the prestigious Schulich Leader Scholarship.

Schulich Leaders represent the most promising entrepreneurial-minded STEM students in the country. Each year, 50 Schulich Leaders are selected from a pool of 350,000 potential candidates across Canada. The Schulich Foundation, which funds the Scholarship, has increased the total number of awards to 100 for the past two years, in recognition of extraordinary challenges faced by students in 2020 and 2021. Julien is a recipient of the $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship for 2021-22, with Matthew’s award valued at $80,000.

Julien came to UNB from James M. Hill Memorial High School in Miramichi, N.B., where he was co-captain of the hockey team and recipient of the Highland Society of New Brunswick at Miramichi Academic Award for 2021. He excelled academically, graduating with an average of 98 per cent.

Outside of school, Julien co-founded Print-ER, a company that manufactures sustainable 3D printers. Print-ER was the successful recipient of a $1,000 grant from The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick to facilitate the creation of a 3D printer prototype. His engineering skills were further honed through a high school co-op placement with Shadcomm Ltd.

We wish Julien the best of luck as he embarks upon his UNB Engineering education, and we look forward to sharing in his successes.

Know someone in grade 12 this year? Learn more about the Schulich Leader Scholarship and other awards at UNB.