UNB Art Centre Newsletter - April 2023
Author: UNB Art Centre
Posted on Mar 28, 2023
Category: Design Works Camps , Leisure Learning , UNB Art Centre

April showers bring May flowers...and more!
April welcomes the first signs of spring—warmer temperatures, the return of migrating birds, and tulips and snow drops pushing through the ground. It's a time of renewal and fresh starts for everything and everyone!
Leisure Learning
Spring into Spring with one of the many 50+ creative and exciting Leisure Learning courses. Registration is now open! Register early and get 15% off!
Serenity now! Start your April off with two online one-day Kundalini Yoga workshops: Breaking Up Subconscious Patterns and Blocks (Sunday, April 23) and Breaking the Habits of the Mind (Sunday, April 23). Experience for yourself the benefits and joys of Kundalini Yoga!
Planning a trip to Spain or South America? Discover the basics of this romance language with a Spanish Beginners class. Enjoy this fun in-person course starting Monday evening May 8. Olé!
Expand your world with American Sign Language (ASL) classes. Learn basic ASL skills and gain an understanding of the Deaf community and culture in this relaxed in-person class, Monday evenings, starting May 8. No experience is necessary.
Take a youth course!
If you're a fashionista, you'll love Mend and Make New: Slow Fashion Made Easy for Youth aged 13 to 16. Take well-loved clothes and give them a new life! This four-week class runs Saturdays, May 6 to June 3. Sew much to do!
UNB Design Works summer camps
June 26 to Sept. 1
Get ready for an awesome summer—register early for your favourite Design Works summer camps. There's a HUGE variety of camps to choose from—everything from Jr. Master Chef and Game Design to Theatre & Dance to Art, Photography and Digital Design. Prepare to have fun, make friends and be creative. It's going to be a fantastic summer!
UNB Art Centre
Image: Eva McCauley / Night Swimmers, Red Sea, 2021
Join us for the 2023 World Water Day exhibition REFLECTIONS on display in both the East and West Galleries until April 28.
Each year the UNB Art Centre marks March 22—World Water Day—with a special exhibit to bring awareness to this most precious resource. This year's exhibition showcases the work of 28 artists in the community, who through a variety of media, reflect on the Earth's hydrosphere as part of this year's celebration of water.
The UNB Art Centre (506-453-4623) is located at Memorial Hall, 9 Bailey Drive, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. The galleries are open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and during special events. Admission is free to members of the public.
UNB Art Centre
go.unb.ca/enrichment | 506 453-4623 | pce@unb.ca