UNB Art Centre Newsletter - January 2023
Author: UNB Art Centre
Posted on Jan 2, 2023
Category: Design Works Camps , Leisure Learning , UNB Art Centre

Wishing You a Happy New Year!
A new year, a fresh start, and infinite possibilities!
Leisure Learning
Free Yoga Meditation workshop
Start 2023 off with a FREE Yoga Meditation: Breaking the Habits of the Mind Workshop—our gift to you! Open to everyone, enjoy this one-day online workshop from the privacy of your home, Saturday, Jan. 14, 1-3 p.m.
Perfect for relaxing after the holidays!
Register now for this free class
Try one of over 70 Leisure Learning courses
Delve into other cultures. Polish off your novel. Try Italian cooking, beekeeping or woodworking.
Explore everything we have to offer
Introducing two brand new courses in February...
Introduction to Fluid Art & Acrylic Pouring
Thursdays, Feb. 2 to March 16, 2023
6 p.m. - 8 p.m. | Online
Before you delve into the many exciting applications of fluid art, you need a good grasp of the underlying skills and concepts that will enable you to handle fluid acrylic with confidence. This course will provide you with that!
Therapeutic Art: Healing through Expression
Wednesdays, Feb. 1 to Feb. 22, 2023
6 p.m. - 8 p.m. | In-Person
Therapeutic Art is a gateway to your own unique expression; it can help you find freedom, joy, and peace. This course is for everyone—artists and non-artists alike. There is creativity in all of us!
Youth Courses
Mend and Make New: Slow Fashion Made Easy
See the potential in your closet. Take well-loved clothes and give them a new life. You'll learn easy stitching, darning and fashion design skills needed to fix and alter your wardrobe...all while being environmentally sustainable!
Also in January, try Poster Design or Portrait Drawing Basics.
Design Works
Calling all young artists, dancers, writers, and musicians—registration is now open for 2023 March Break Camps!
These camps are led by talented professionals who can't wait to show you the ropes. This is your opportunity to be creative, make friends, and have fun!
Choose from these four exciting camps:
- Awesome Painting & Drawings
- Shake it up! Dance camp
- Graphic Novels & Comic Books
- Around the World with Art & Music *NEW*
Join the fun this March Break!
UNB Art Centre
Opening at the UNB Art Centre in January
Fathom the Depths of the St. Lawrence Estuary: Art and Science/ À des brasses de profondeur dans l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent: Art et Science
You're invited to the opening of the bilingual exhibition on Friday, Jan. 13 at 5 p.m.
Running through February 10, this exhibit brings together art and science through the study of the submarine canyons of the St. Lawrence Estuary. Featuring maps, drone footage, time-lapse video, as well as photographs by Jean-Christophe Lemay, this exhibit provides a framework for the exploration of unique perspectives by a research team formed of oceanographers, marine geoscientists, paleoceanographers, and creative writers from UNB and the Université du Québec à Rimouski aboard the research vessel Coriolis II.
Explore upcoming exhibits
The UNB Art Centre invites New Brunswick artists in any medium to submit work for an upcoming exhibit Reflections opening March 22, 2023 and running through April 28, 2023.
This exhibit is being developed for World Water Day and, is part of an international campaign by the United Nations to focus attention on the importance of our most precious resource—water.
Please include a CV, artist statement, link to your website, and images of your submission to: artcntr@unb.ca. Artists may submit more than one image/media for consideration. Artists will receive an exhibition fee in accordance with CARFAC standard rates if work(s) are selected.
The deadline for submissions is Jan. 31, 2023.
Happy New Year from the UNB Art Centre!
UNB Art Centre
go.unb.ca/enrichment | 506 453-4646 | pce@unb.ca