UNB Art Centre Newsletter - November 2022
Author: UNB Art Centre
Posted on Nov 3, 2022
Category: Leisure Learning , UNB Art Centre
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou
Explore your passion with a UNB Leisure Learning course—either an in-person class or an online course from the comfort of your home. Upcoming November courses include:
- German for Beginners Level 2
- Women's Woodworking
- Kundalini Yoga Meditation
- Punctuating Dialogue in Fiction
- Self-Publishing & Marketing
- One Stitch at a Time 2
- A Taste of Italy
Be an armchair explorer with the online course Acadians Outside Acadie on Thursday evenings from Nov. 17 to Dec. 8. Explore the language, history, and stories from Acadians around the world.
This is a great opportunity to practice your French, while learning about the Acadian culture outside the Maritimes, exploring where the deported Acadians ended up, and where their ancestors are today. You'll be introduced to unique slang, Anglicism, and different French dialects from around the world. As well, you'll spend time reading, listening, and viewing Acadian pop culture and media, as well as breaking down Acadian memes and the meanings behind them.
Meet course Instructor Nina Savoie-Colwell
If painting is your passion, discover the world of oil painting in Introduction to Oil Painting on Monday evenings from Nov. 21 to Dec. 12. This four-week online course is designed to give beginners an understanding of oil paints as a medium, as well as introduce different techniques and approaches to utilize in your own paintings.
Through this course, you will gain an understanding of the history of oil painting, try different exercises, as well as do final projects at the end of classes to put everything you have learned into practice—all from home.
Take a look at our Leisure Learning courses! Registration for the Winter semester is now open.
Kick-off Christmas Shopping with Black Friday Specials
Thinking about who's on your Christmas list this year? Check out our Black Friday specials on Nov. 25. Specials will be revealed on Thursday, Nov. 24, at 4 p.m. Atlantic time.
Good things come to those who wait!
Leisure Learning Youth
Calling all budding artists!
Try our new youth courses. Open to all youth aged 13-17, these creative courses are offered in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. All skill levels are welcome, just bring your creativity and enthusiasm.
Gift of Learning
Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays—looking for the perfect gift for that special someone? Consider the Gift of Learning!
Choose one of the many exciting online or in-person adult or youth courses or a fun and educational Design Works Camp for children (ages 6-12).
Two gift options are available:
- Enrol your friends or family in a specific course or camp, or
- Purchase a gift amount ($25 to $200) and let them choose.
UNB Art Centre
Visit our galleries to see Gerry Yaum's Documentary Photographs 2013-2022: Families of the Dump/People who Live Under the Freeway on display until Dec. 15.
Gerry Yaum is a self-taught photographer with over 40 years of experience. He has been taking pictures of the people in the Mae Sot Garbage Dump since 2013 and the Klong Toey Slum in Bangkok since 2012. For him, the photographs are more than artworks, they help to educate, raise awareness, and interpret forgotten lives.
The UNB Art Centre (506-453-4623) is located at Memorial Hall, 9 Bailey Drive, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. The galleries are open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on weekdays and during special events. Admission is free.
All UNB Art Centre exhibitions can be seen in our online galleries.
UNB Art Centre
go.unb.ca/enrichment | 506 453-4646 | pce@unb.ca