Lifelong Learning @ UNB
UNB College of Extended Learning

The importance of reducing risk in the workplace

Author: UNB College of Extended Learning

Posted on Nov 14, 2022

Category: Occupational Health and Safety , Professional Development , News and Events

By now, you may or may not have heard that we're offering a free webinar on Nov. 23, 2022, hosted by safety expert Darrel Nickerson. This webinar will discuss using investigations to reduce risk in the workplace in order to improve risk management systems and programs.

What is risk management and why is it important?

Video transcript: Risk management is an important element of any safety management system. It helps us understand, what hazards do we have in our workplaces, how those hazards interact with the people around them, and, more importantly, it allows us to quantify those risks so we know what are the things we need to work on so that people don't get hurt.

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and controlling threats to your organization's capital and earnings. Risks include, but aren't limited to, legal liabilities, accidents, natural disasters, technology issues, and more.

Having an effective risk (or safety) management system is more important than ever. Modern organizations continue to face risks that grow more and more complex. As we continues to deal with the pandemic, many organizations are taking a closer look at their risk management programs.

...which is where UNB's webinar, Today's Workplace: Using Investigations to Reduce Risk can help!

About our upcoming webinar

Video transcript: This webinar will give an overview of risk management and take a deeper dive into the investigation process and how we can use it to reduce risks in our workplaces. Why I think this webinar is important for folks is, when we look at our safety management system, we usually look at it as a series of elements. Investigation falls under incident management; risk management is an element upon its own. Really, we have to have safety management system working in cohension. So, investigations are a big part of risk management because that's how we find out – how do we get better? How do we improve? How do we reduce our risk? This webinar would be for folks who want to improve their investigation skills, want to see how we can use better controls to reduce the overall risk in our facilities.

Still not sure if this webinar is right for you?

Learn more about our host — Darrel Nickerson

Video transcript: I'm Darrel Nickerson. I'm currently an instructor with the Diploma program in Occupational Health and Safety at UNB. And, my day job is the Director of Health and Safety for Irving Forest Services. I have been in safety for a little over 26 years and am currently really passionate about, how do we improve risk management at our sites so that we ensure everyone goes home safe.

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