Leisure Learning Newsletter
Author: UNB Art Centre
Posted on Jun 30, 2022
Category: Design Works Camps , UNB Art Centre , Leisure Learning

"Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Summer Fun & Protecting Our Environment
Enjoy the summer and protect the environment too! With small changes in our personal habits, we can enjoy all that summer has to offer and still protect (maybe even enhance!) our natural environment.
For example, when at the beach, the Ocean Conservancy recommends four simple ways we can protect our oceans:
- Say 'no' to single use and 'yes' to reusables. That goes for snacks as well as drinks.
- Protect yourself and the coral reefs with "reef safe" sun screen.
- Keep the 'wild' in wildlife: admire from a distance.
- Do the 'stingray shuffle'. Whether you have stingrays in your area or not, shuffling your feet on the ocean floor helps alert natural creatures of your presence—enabling both you and them to keep a safe distance.
"Leave nothing behind" and "pack out what you packed in" are well known adages for campers and hikers. In other words, leave natural areas as pristine as we find them. What could be simpler and kinder to the world we live in?
For more great ideas check Yoga Weeks.
Summer Fun with Leisure Learning
Summer is a great time to play on the beach, camp and go hiking, it's also a wonderful time to stretch your horizons and try new things. How about oil painting, Kundalini Yoga Meditations, Mexican cooking, and writing workshops? All made possible with a UNB Leisure Learning class.
Like to paint?
Try the new Leisure Learning online course Introduction to Oil Painting. Designed to give beginners an understanding of oil paints as a medium, as well as introduce you to different techniques and approaches that you can incorporate into your own paintings—all from your home or garden! You'll also gain an understanding of the history of oil painting in this four-week class.
Meet the course instructor Ameesha Tirmazi:
Check out this NEW short & relaxing course!
We're excited to offer three new one-day online Kundalini Yoga Meditations classes at the special rate of $25 per two-hour class (save 15% if you register two weeks early). Each workshop is unique and independent (no prerequisites) and is designed to introduce you to a large variety of meditation techniques, so you can pick and choose what works best for you.
Try one or all three of these two-hour Saturday afternoon classes:
- Meditation: Breaking the Habits of the Mind (July 9 or Aug. 6)
- Meditation: Deep Still-Point Work (July 16 or Aug. 13)
- Meditation: Breaking Up Subconscious Patterns and Blocks (July 23 or Aug. 20)
Are you an armchair traveller who enjoys food?
Discover the exotic flavours of Mexico with the delicious online course Mexican Summer Desserts and Snacks (Sunday, July 24). You'll learn to prepare some traditional Mexican recipes, while learning about the Mexican culture, music, language and the history behind each dish. Ole!
Calling all writers and aspiring writers!
This July, choose from three writing-related workshops: Introduction to Publishing (online - July 9), How to Edit Your Own Novel (online - July 16), and Self-Publishing & Marketing (in-person - July 16).
Meet instructor Joe Powers:
Summer Fun at UNB Design Works (Ages 6-12)
"We have tried lots of summer camps and we have found the UNB ones to be the best!" - Laura Forbes (parent)
Have fun! Be creative! Make new friends! Design Works Summer Camps have begun and camps are selling out fast.
There's so much to choose from—everything from cooking camps to courses in photography and video-making to game design, art camps, theatre and camps for want-to-be Harry Potters.
Say hello to our Design Works team!
All our camp instructors are talented professionals in their fields. Our camp staff are first aid certified, receive training in various camp-related scenarios, have vulnerable sector clearance, and genuinely enjoy helping kids learn!
Win a Free Camp at the Garrison Night Market!
Join us every Thursday evening at the Garrison Night Market for a chance to win a free camp, meet our camp staff, and take part in a fun activity.
UNB Art Centre
Take a Virtual Tour and View the Beauty of Stained-Glass Windows
Take a Virtual Tour of Memorial Hall
The UNB Art Centre makes its home in Memorial Hall on the UNB Fredericton campus. One of the distinguishing features of Memorial Hall is the stained-glass windows that grace the Gothic Revival auditorium. The stained-glass windows are exceptional for their craftsmanship, beauty, and size.
The windows were installed in stages shortly after Memorial Hall was completed, beginning in 1926 and ending in 1943.
However, over time these windows became unstable. Fortunately, in 2018, after 2000 hours and over two years, a major restoration of the windows was completed. To view the beauty of these magnificent windows, it is the UNB Art Centre's pleasure to present a virtual tour of the seven windows (due to summer activities, in-person tours are not possible).
The spectacular Rankin window featuring scenes from Milton's Paradise Lost is examined in, "Milton Across Borders and Media" soon to be published by Oxford University Press. The chapter "Paradise Lost in Stained Glass" by Australian historian and author Beverley Sherry looks at the Rankin window along with ones at Geneva College, Pennsylvania and Princeton University to explore how the meaning and individuality of these three windows result from particular artistic execution as well as distinct architectural, social, cultural, and historical contexts. In so doing, she attempts to identify what is lost and, more importantly, what is gained in these vitreous translations of Paradise Lost.
Beverley Sherry is an Honorary Associate at the University of Sydney, Australia, formerly a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Queensland. Her work crosses the disciplines of literature, history, and the visual arts, and her book Australia's Historic Stained Glass (1991) is a pioneering work. Milton, however, remains her principal interest. Since 1979, she has published on Milton and the visual arts, most recently in Global Milton and Visual Art (2021).
The UNB Art Centre is located at Memorial Hall, 9 Bailey Drive, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. The galleries are open 9 am - 4 pm weekdays and during special events. Admission is free to members of the public.
UNB Art Centre
go.unb.ca/leisure-learning | 506 453-4646 | pce@unb.ca