Meet Fraser Copeland, OHS program graduate
Author: UNB College of Extended Learning
Posted on May 1, 2022
Category: News and Events , Occupational Health and Safety , Our Stories

It’s never too late to achieve your goals.
"Dad, I graduated University!"
For Fraser Copeland, there would have been no prouder moment and no greater feeling of immense admiration than to have his father hear those four words come from his only child. Sadly, Copeland’s father passed away before he could attain this achievement.
Fuelled by the desire to secure an accreditation in his professional field from a recognized university – and to make his late father proud – Copeland is striving to earn his Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP®) designation via UNB's online Occupational Health & Safety training. The CRSP® is the national standard for practicing occupational health and safety professionals and is requested by many employers.
Students who complete UNB's Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety (COHS) and Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety (DOHS) meet the formal education requirements for certification as a Canadian Registered Safety Professional. The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP®) awards the CRSP® to a select few academically qualified, technically prepared candidates.
With his COHS complete and his DOHS underway, Copeland is well on his way to reaching his goal. Copeland says the University of New Brunswick College of Extended Learning has proven to be a fantastic vehicle to allow him to continue gaining field experience, raise a family and acquire the needed credentials for his current professional career.
"The duration provided for each course has equally allowed me to perform 'at my pace' and, further, permitted me to continue to focus on all the other needs life throws my way."
For the past 25 years, Copeland has worked in Industrial Safety in varying capacities. He has spent the last six years in a senior Health & Safety management role. He says completing the theory after experiencing the practical has proven to be the perfect recipe.
"Everyone learns differently, as the cliché goes. For adult learning, there are even more strategies to manage. By enabling myself to read the text after the fieldwork has been applied has positively resulted in an 'I get it' attitude and the information is sinking in!"
Although he has extensive years of field experience and other educational achievements, Copeland says while serving in the role of Health and Safety management, his credibility has been tested at times – a factor that further motivated him to acquire the educational reinforcement.
"I am a firm believer that leaders can rely on their resident subject matter experts, but the insight and added information I am acquiring from the UNB courses have proven to be the icing on the cake in an already rewarding career."
When asked what has surprised him the most about furthering his education, Copeland answers, "How right my dad was. Anything is achievable if you put your mind to it. And it is never too late! Thank you, UNB, from myself and my dad."
The University of New Brunswick has been offering Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) training since 2001 and is a leader in online OHS education. All courses, certificates and diploma programs are fully online, making it convenient to fit learning into your busy schedule.
For more information about our suite of OHS training programs, visit our website, sign up for an information session, or email us at