Leisure Learning Newsletter
Author: UNB Art Centre
Posted on May 3, 2022
Category: News and Events , Design Works Camps , UNB Art Centre , Leisure Learning

"All things seem possible in May!" - Tara Schmalz
We're all familiar with the saying "April Showers, do bring May flowers". And it's true! Nature is bursting with life. Leaves are budding out, and flowers and shrubs are about to bloom. Many of us are dreaming of and planning for summer vacations. Dreams of sunshine, walking along beaches, or simply sitting quietly on a lounge chair to soak in the sun, will soon be reality!
Mother's Day - Sunday, May 8
Don't forget to circle Mother's Day on your calendar! According to History.com celebrations of mothers and motherhood date back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele.
A more modern Mother's Day link is the early Christian festival known as "Mothering Sunday". This has since become our more secular Mother's Day celebration, where children give their mothers traditional gifts of flowers, cards, and maybe even brunch! This year, consider a Gift of Learning, with a UNB Leisure Learning course.
Leisure Learning: Summer Fun!
If you're not a sun worshipper, you may be interested in some of the exciting Leisure Learning summer courses starting in May, such as in-person beginner-level courses: Pottery Basics, Tai Chi for Health, and Women’s Woodworking: Joinery for the Novice.
If you enjoy the great outdoors, discover your watercolour painting techniques with artist Katie FitzRandolph, in her Watercolour Journals class from June 4 to 25. Many of us record our day in words—here's a chance to illustrate a journal in watercolours (with or without words) or simply capture the wonder of the day!
Relaxation & Meditation Through Art is a new and stress-free, online class. Enjoy this one-day workshop from the comfort of your home on Saturday, May 14th. There are many ways to destress, unwind and calm a busy mind. Why not relax by making artwork?
Always wanted to write a book? Get started with the new Leisure Learning one-day online workshop Writing a Best Seller. If you know that you have a story to tell, this is a great kick-start to get you going!
Check out all the upcoming summer in-person and online Leisure Learning courses.
Leisure Learning Youth
Addressing a need for youth art courses, we have introduced a series of new art courses designed just for youth ages 12 to 17.
"We're so excited to offer these creative and fun art courses just for youth ages 12 to 17," says Azza Seif-el-nasr, Program and Development Coordinator, for the UNB's Leisure Learning. "Youth 12 and up requested dedicated art classes for their age group—and we were happy to respond!"
The fun begins May 3 with the six-week course Printmaking for Beginners, where participants use hand-carving to create relief prints from linoleum and make their own images. In another art course, Photo Transfer & Colour Exploration (May 5 to June 9), students will explore the colour wheel and how to mix colours. Using this colour theory combined with photo transfers, students will create their own works of art. You can also create your own stencils in the Stencil Creation Workshop on Sunday, May 8th, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
"Here's an awesome one-day workshop to gain experience cutting and preparing stencils, while using different materials and tools," says Ms. Seif-el-nasr. "Participants will also have the opportunity to learn spraying and painting techniques."
Anyone ages 12 to 17 are welcome to attend these courses. No art experience is required—just bring your creativity! Additional youth art classes are planned for the future so be sure to bookmark our Youth Workshops & Courses webpage to keep up to date on future classes.
UNB Design Works Summer Camps for Kids
Get ready for summer with UNB's Design Works Summer Camps for kids ages 6 to 12!
With over 50 camps to choose from, there's something for everyone. There's everything from Jr Master Chef and the Magical World of Harry Potter to a great variety of Photography and Game Design to exciting Art Themed camps, Theatre, Dance, Musical Theatre and more.
Camps are selling out. Register now for these creative, fun and educational camps!
UNB Art Centre
The UNB Art Centre is pleased to present the group exhibition, it comes in waves, curated by Amy Ash, an independent curator and artist based in Saint John, N.B.
As we emerge from a global pandemic, this exhibit observes the nature of absence through the work of seven contemporary artists: Emily Critch, Chantal Khoury, Adriana Kuiper & Ryan Suter, Lou Sheppard, KC Wilcox, and Florence Yee.
it comes in waves, refers to the sensation of becoming awash in the haze of emotions, memories, and associations that result from grief, loss, and other confrontations of absence.
Presented in both the East and West galleries, the works included in it comes in waves hold space for contemplation and the quiet construction of meaning, while boldly facing the uncanny sensation that something is lost or missing. From climate devastation and personal loss to broken expectations, this group exhibition explores grief as a means of understanding what we value.
"A conversation about loss or grief is equally a conversation about what we value," says Ash. "This is crucial to consider not only while reflecting on the past or on the construction of our individual identities, but as means of collectively envisioning a future that we would hope to inhabit."
it comes in waves brings together a diverse group of artists who work across media ranging from textiles, printmaking and painting, to video, audio, and sculpture. The exhibit will be on view in person at the UNB Art Centre until June 17, 2022, and online.
View the East Gallery online
View the West Gallery online
The UNB Art Centre is located at Memorial Hall, 9 Bailey Drive, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. The galleries are open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays and during special events. Admission is free to members of the public.
UNB Art Centre
go.unb.ca/leisure-learning | 506 453-4646 | pce@unb.ca