To study or not to study? We've got you covered.
Author: UNB College of Extended Learning
Posted on Mar 14, 2022
Category: News and Events , Degree Credit , Online Learning

If you or the student in your life is wondering about taking courses while working this summer, we say “Why not do both?”
UNB Online may be the solution you’re looking for to keep your personal and academic goals on track.
Open Entry online courses are completely online, have flexible registration, and allow you to progress through courses at your own pace. Take up to six months to complete a course!
Term-based online courses typically include weekly scheduled learning activities or assignments through web-based delivery and are completed within the term.
Best of all, you can earn 3 credit hours in as little as 3 weeks! Check the UNB Timetable for the most up-to-date listing.
Not working toward a degree? We also offer a wide range of non-credit courses. You can enhance your workplace skills, explore your creative side, or sign up the kids for summer camp.
Browse the online Summer Term schedule today and start planning your summer!