Leisure Learning Newsletter
Author: UNB Art Centre
Posted on Mar 2, 2022
Category: Leisure Learning , UNB Art Centre , Design Works Camps , News and Events

Spring is in the Air!
"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." —Doug Larson
More sunlight, warmer temperatures & longer days...who could ask for more?
Does Spring begin March 1st or on the Equinox?
The answer is—both! It depends on your definition of "Spring", according to Almanac.com. Astronomically speaking, this year Spring or Vernal Equinox is Sunday, March 20—but only in the Northern Hemisphere (it's the first day of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere). The exact date varies every year between March 19, 20, and 21.
However, March 1st marks the beginning of Spring meteorologically, because weather scientists divide the year into quarters, so they can compare one season to another more easily.
Celebrate Spring—Start Fresh with Spring Cleaning
Along with warmer temperatures and longer days, come thoughts of "Spring Cleaning", when we crave order and tidiness in our hectic lives. While it can be a daunting task, as with most jobs, it’s easier to break it down into smaller, simpler steps.
A good place to begin your spring cleaning is with decluttering...think yard sales, donations and Facebook’s Market place etc.—aim for a clean slate!
To make decluttering easier, here are ten tips suggested by the website Simplelionheartlife.com:
- Ask yourself when you last used an item.
- Track how often you use things.
- Check the condition of items.
- Let go of "sunk" costs (i.e. you paid a lot but never used an item).
- Ask yourself "why you want to keep each item?"
- Don’t get stuck...can't make a decision? Set it aside & get back to it.
- Use a "maybe" box—if you're struggling, put it in this box and revisit it.
- Pay attention to what kind of clutter fills a space.
- Stop bringing home more stuff!
- And finally, make simplifying a lifestyle, not a one-time event.
Simplify Your Life - Declutter Your Mind Too
Decluttering your home can be freeing. But it doesn't have to stop with your possessions. Consider decluttering and simplifying your mind as well with a Leisure Learning meditation workshop.
Relax, free your mind, and let your worries slip away with our Meditation Basics Workshop on Saturday, March 19, 2022.
"Here's a great opportunity to experience four methods of meditation from simply following your breathing to listening to guided instruction", says course instructor Linda Morehouse. "This is a wonderful way to find out which method of stillness works for you."
Learn more about our health and wellness courses on the Leisure Learning webspage.
UNB Design Works March Break Camps...and Summer
This March Break treat the kids to one of three fun-filled camps. For 6-10 year olds, choose between Stuffies & Puppets and the magic of Harry Potter. And for 8-12 year olds, there's the excitement of the perennial favorite, Steal the Stage.
Already know what March Break camp you want? Register now!
Coming soon: UNB Design Works Summer Camps
This year's summer camps will run from June 27 to Sept. 2, 2022. Choose from over 50 camps in arts & crafts, photography, theatre/dance, fashion, game design and Jr. master chef! Summer camp registrations open March 7.
Stay tuned to our website for updates!
At the UNB Art Centre...
Join us in person at the UNB Art Centre for the opening of Rediscovering the Roots of Black New Brunswickers in the West Gallery at Memorial Hall on Friday, March 11, at 5 pm.
This special ongoing research project engages UNB students and members of the Black community in bringing to light those Black New Brunswickers who have strived for freedom and equality in a world of prejudice and discrimination. The latest exhibit features the faces and stories of nine new additions including poet Anna Minerva Henderson, police constable Robb Costello, educator Brian Carty, community volunteer John Young, soldier Robert Lawrence Henry, Paralympic athlete Frank Henderson, and boxer Louis Sterling Lawrence.
The in-person exhibition is on display until April 22. You can also visit our galleries online to view the latest installment of Rediscovering the Roots of Black New Brunswickers. For more about the UNB Art Centre's various exhibits celebrating Black History Month visit our website and select the tab Past Exhibitions. If you would like to view a complete set of posters, select Black History Month Posters.
The UNB Art Centre is located at Memorial Hall, 9 Bailey Drive, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. The galleries are open 9 am to 4 pm weekdays and during special events. Admission is free to members of the public, however, masks are required.
"March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes and a laugh in her voice." —Hal Borland
UNB Art Centre
go.unb.ca/leisure-learning | 506 453-4646 | pce@unb.ca