UNB News
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A message from Dr. Petra Hauf

Author: UNB Newsroom

Posted on May 22, 2019

Category: UNB Saint John

As the recently appointed Vice-President of UNB Saint John, I want to assure the community that we unequivocally condemn racism and misogyny, and do not support the dissemination of any kind of hate speech, or ideas that promote or inspire hatred. It’s important to me that members of our community are aware that we have zero tolerance for racism and discrimination of any kind.

At UNB, we have a strong commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and respect. I want to assure all members of our community that we are aware of the concerns that have been publicly shared with respect to these issues; that we are taking them seriously and are actively looking into them.

We are limited in what we can share. Please be assured that silence does not mean inactivity.

I ask you to direct any concerns, or complaints, you might have to me at vpsj@unb.ca.

We thank you for your patience and support.

Dr. Petra Hauf
Vice-President Saint John
University of New Brunswick